
SSE Education and Outreach

SSE is involved in the organization and funding of a number of education and outreach efforts. The Education and Outreach Committee is responsible for funding these efforts and presenting these efforts at annual meetings. Programs include the Darwin Day Roadshow, the Evolution Film Festival, travel grants for undergraduate students to attend the annual Evolution meeting, a small grants program, and the TH Huxley Award to recognize education and outreach efforts by mid-career scientists. Read more about each program below.

Links to other programs, societies, and resources can be found on the Education & Outreach Resources page.

View the current committee membership.


Education and Outreach Committee

The Education & Outreach Committee was established in 1997. The Committee sponsors outreach to educators and the general public through annual presentations at the National Association of Biology Teachers, the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native American in Science (SACNAS), and symposia and workshops at the annual meetings of the SSE. The Committee also supports SSE members for outreach activities (see Awards and Grants below).


Outreach Programs Funded by SSE

Darwin Day Roadshow: A yearly program where scientists and educators work together to bring evolutionary science to schools, museums, and town halls in communities around the country. Learn more.

Evolution Film Festival: A contest for creative short films about evolution in which the top-ranked films are shown and voted on at the annual Evolution conference. Learn more.

Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution: A program for undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds that includes travel funding to attend the annual Evolution conference and participate in various professional development opportunities. Learn more.


SSE Teaching Awards & Grants

Small Grants Program for Local and Regional Outreach Promoting the Understand of Evolutionary Biology: This program funds local and regional educational outreach activities each year. It is our hope that these projects will lead to ongoing outreach collaboration in future years. Preference will be given to new collaborations, but extensions of previously projects that have evidence of success are allowed. Learn more.

TH Huxley Award: This award, named in honor of Darwin's very public supporter T. H. Huxley, was established in 2013 to recognise outreach and education achievement for early and mid career scientists. Learn more.

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